Wednesday 31 December 2008

New Year’s Eve

Typical! Me and J have been struck down at the last innings of the year with that infernal cold that has been drifting around the country – just when I thought we had avoided it! I haven’t even been commuting, which is prime lurgy trading ground… but it was very draughty in that pub the other day, I was practically sitting in the open-fire place. Okay, I blame that.

So plans for tonight (friends, pub, live band) may well be scuppered – all I feel like is curling up under a blanket watching Mary Poppins with the cats. Blooming cold!

Apart from the sniffles, I am looking forward to 2009. I think it will be a great year in its way, and I can’t wait! There are so many things I want to do, not least with the book, and all I need is a clear head to get started!

So let’s see, apart from the biggies, this coming year I would like to achieve:

- A holiday with J – anywhere! We deserve one!
- An improvement in my lindy hop skills
- A regular-ish yoga class
- Another visit to that grand second-hand bookshop in Lincoln
- Affording a car (affording anything would be nice)
- Some sort of painting / creativity / craftiness
- And to remember to occasionally go fly a kite (yes I have just watched Mary Poppins!)

Wish you all a grand New Year 2009!


music obsessive said...

Looks like you'll be in watching Jools Holland then. Actually the line up doesn't look half bad.

Btw, you forgot to add:
- Get book published.
- Become millionaire
- Have more expensive holiday with J
- Give away vast amounts of cash to other struggling authors...

Jayne said...

You're right, I did watch Jools (for a bit, was getting pie-eyed on lem-sips). Was pretty good from what I remember!

And I like your additions to the list (especially number 4!). The book is part of 'the biggies' to do this year - but to help it along I also made a second list at the stroke of midnight (New Year's Eve magic y'see) - and that means it has to come true :)