Monday, 24 September 2007


Oh dear, I inflicted a poem on you yesterday – what was I thinking? Other people celebrate the start of autumn with informative posts; I offload vaguely down-beat poetry. I apologise profusely.

The worst thing about writers what-don’t-quite-write-books-yet (i.e me) is that you tend to assume that all your words are worthy greats. Therefore, all your little scribbles are to be saved, just in case they harbour undetected as of yet genius. In the worst case scenario, you will have saved poems you wrote as a typically depressed but of course acutely insightful teenager, for that one day when you are discovered. Of course, I have a wealth of these poems. And now I have an audience – bwhahahaha (laughs like a James Bond baddie whilst flicking through batch of poems marked The Teenage Years Volume 10). Run, good people – run while you can!

It was the same with Art. I find it impossible to throw away drawings and paintings I have created, even if and in some cases, especially if, these creations are to all intents and purposes, a bit shit. No, my mind thinks, these will come in useful one day! I might do something with them! A bonfire springs to mind as an answer to both questions, apart from a) I live in a flat and b) you never know, an art critic may one day come around for dinner, spy my portfolio, ask to flick through, shout Eureka and phone the Tate.

But anyway, back to autumn. I love this time of year, the air feels cleaner, the sky brighter and the colours of decay hint at past summer glories. To me, it is a time of promise, of exploration, a new beginning for one and all. Oh dear, I feel another poem coming on…


music obsessive said...

Hmm...I know how you feel. In the late 1980s I had a go at writing songs and recording them on a 4-track recorder using a drum machine and various guitars, keyboards etc. I rescued the tape copies recently and transferred them to CD and guess what? Most of them were complete crap! One or two were OK but it's not the sort of thing you go around impressing people with. That said, your poem was quite evocative and it was brave to publish it.

Jayne said...

Heh! How funny... Good to hear one or two were ok though! I wrote an absolutely dire song with my pal once, my older brother used to get us to sing it for him and his friends as it was so bad. I thought they were laughing 'cos they liked it, you see...

And thanks for the poem compliment, but you really shouldn't encourage me - there's more where that came from, you know!! Hvaing said that, being encouraged is rather nice... :)