Monday, 4 May 2009

Looking 'peaky'

"You feeling alright? You're looking a bit peaky!" said my mum this morning. J also said I was looking a bit peaky the other day - and it's always 'a bit' peaky - it never reaches full on peaky status. Good friend I also mentioned my peakiness last week - it's official then. I am a bit peaky.

I don't like being told I am a bit peaky. I think I am just fine, with a slight cold. But once it is elevated to peakiness, then I start to feel peaky, and from there on in it is a spiralling circle of doom.

What is 'peaky' anyway? Where did this word come from? Peaky apparently means 'not at your peak' so not at your best. This sort of translates to me that basically I just look rough. Nice. Always what a girl wants to hear.

So to combat looking rough, my chosen weapons are lem-sip, sleep, and snuggly jumpers. This would be the weekend when I really wanted to get on and write, wouldn't it? I have managed zero editing, and even clicking the document open seems a tough call to make. Yet back at work tomorrow (as you just know these sort of cold things get better for working days) and I will rue my missed opportunity. Maybe I could print out the bit I want to work on and find myself a quite corner at lunch? See - now that feels pro-active. But then I have to actually turn on the printer, and find paper, and click 'print...

*yawns again and buries head under quilt*


Law and Order said...

Keep warm, get plenty of sleep and take Vitamin C. I think you're doing all this. Get better soon!

Rose said...

feel better!

I have given you an award over at my blog, come and have a look. Hopefully that will make you feel better.

Jayne said...

Hi Joanne - good advice duly noted! I am awful at remembering to take vitamin C tablets - I have some in the kitchen and you'd think I would pause for a second each day to take one but no...

Jayne said...

Hi Rose - thank you so much! How lovely - have scampered over to your blog to say thank you :)