Wednesday 2 April 2008


Today was a good day. The rain splattered against the glass but still I imagined the sun was out there waiting, and by the time I stepped out of my front door the rain had retreated to hover instead in the clouds.

Today was a good day. The train came on time and for once I fitted in with everyone else, and looked like I belonged in their world. A seat was waiting for me, and I sat down with a smile.

Today was a good day. The clothes I had chosen were strangely just right, and I was wearing the rose quartz ring I had bought myself on a happy day. When I felt nervous I clasped my hands and felt the smooth stone, and reminded myself of all I have achieved.

Today was a good day. I felt confident and articulate, and things just seemed to flow smoothly and quickly without panic or fuss. It turns out I am a lot stronger and more resilient than I gave myself credit for, and that is a most empowering feeling.

Today was a good day. I have the best friends in the world and a boyfriend who is building a future. Between us all knowledge is vast and far-reaching. I am blessed and humbled by knowing such fab people in my life.

Today was a good day, as it signified an ending and a beginning, all in my favour. Hooray for good days, may there be many more, and for all of us.

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