Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Beside the sea


Are much better for me...

If they can be beside...

The sea!

And actually I think...

On this we all agree...

So let's have a Royal decree...

Make all conferences beside the sea!


Talli Roland said...

Love this, Jayne! Everything is better if it's by the sea.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful photos Jayne. They made me want to dash off to the seaside.

Barbara Scully said...

Looks great... love to be by the sea too!

Kit Courteney said...

The seaside is my favourite place to be... especially after the weekend I've just had ;0)

Great pics.

Wendy Ramer, Author said...

I'm from South Florida but have lived in Europe and been to Scotland (Aberdeen). I have to say that the sea is somewhat more romantic along the British coast because the sky is such a different color. The light is completely different. I would love to attend the next conference in Bournemouth.

Aubrie said...

Those are great pictures! I often think about how lucky I am that I live an hour from the East Coast. The ocean is so beautiful.

Old Kitty said...

Oh I do like to be beside the sea right now!!!!

I'm all hot n bothered! Oh I forgot - I can't swim!!!


But I don't have to - I can just dip my feet in the cool, cool waters!

Have a happy conference!! What is it for anyway? Sorry just being nosey! nosy?

Take care

Jayne said...

Hi Talli - glad you liked it! I wish I was back by the sea now, there is distinctly less sea in London. :)


Hi Christine - they were all from this morning! Glad you like them.


Hello Barbara! It is my dream to one day live by the sea. Got to keep working towards it!


Hi Kit! Ah. Ooo! Sounds good. ;)


Hi Wendy. Oh that's interesting - but yes, the British coast is so varied and the light is nearly always good. I could spend hours wandering along by the sea taking pictures, or sketching if feeling really artistic!

Jayne said...

Hi Aubrie. Thank you! An hour is not bad at all - say hello to the sea for me next time you visit it!


Hello Old Kitty. I now keep humming 'beside the seaside, beside the sea' to myself. And oh, the water was very cool indeed - these pics were taken at 8 this morning and the sea was freezing when I had a little paddle! Had to stop paddling sharpish, thought my toes were going to fall off. Am back home again now from mystery conference, sadly too revealing to the day job to mention it here - sorry! But the spelling of nosey always intrigues me - nosy? nosey? I think I'd plump for nosy. *she says, unconvincingly*

Mise said...

I myself
have fond memories
of conferences
beside the vineyards.

Unknown said...

Love this post!! Happy Tuesday :))

Laura S. said...

Hear, hear!!!

I'll go even further to wish that writing by the sea was a requirement...you know, as part of the job description. :)

Fran Hill said...

Recent experiences influence me to agree with every word you say.

sarahjayne smythe said...

What a great post. I love the pictures. :)

Anonymous said...

I grew up near Bournemouth. It has one of the best beaches in the world with lovely soft sand.

Arlee Bird said...

What lovely photos! This looks like a very nice locale for any conference.

May 3rd A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post

Unknown said...

Way to go Jayne! I'm glad you said something becuase this needed to be set in place!!! Everything is so much better by the sea :)

T.J. Carson said...

You are a freaking GENIUS Jayne! I wish all people were as smart as you. EVERYTHING is better by the sea. Ha I wish my college classes would get the memo and move a little closer to the edge of land! lol Great post, beautiful pics :)

Lydia Kang said...

Goooorrrrrgeous picts. Thank you!!!

Deni Krueger said...

That's where I would be! But then I probably wouldn't get any work done:)

I saw your comment on my blog...it's nice to meet you!

Carol Kilgore said...

Nice. Both the poem and the photos.

There's an award for you on my blog.

Emily said...

This is truly a great post! I couldn't agree more! Great photos, I feel transported from my office chair to the seaside! x LZ

Private said...

Ooooh! This is why I want to move to Aberystwyth next year instead of Kingston or Roehampton. It's beside the sea! It has a pier! And a promenade. What more could you want?

Happy Frog and I said...

Thank you for sharing the seaside with us. Brings back many happy memories for me now that I am landlocked! :-)

Unknown said...

What a fun, frothy post!

By the sea, yes.

On the sea, no.

I am a landlubber and boats make me spew.

Hey, but there's an idea...why aren't there writing cruises? Not that I'd be able to go -- because of my problem with sea sickness -- but still.

Crystal Cook said...

Here, here!! Beautiful photos!

Plain Jane said...

I must say that the sea needs to come with a soundtrack. The beaches by our apartment have no waves so I miss the sound of the water. Without the sound, the sea means much less to me, but I did love the pictures. I heard the water in your photographs.

VR Barkowski said...

So beautiful, Jayne! For the past four years I lived on San Francisco Bay, just moved inland to Georgia in December. I so miss the water...

Maryannwrites said...

Lovely pictures, and I agree that conferences should be by the sea. with lots of free time to walk on the beach in bare feet. Found your blog thanks to Carol at Under the Tiki Hut.

Natasha said...

I quiet agree. Conferences by the sea- you are welcome to hold your next one in India- we have lots of sea!!!

Now for the dilemma- should I follow you now, or keep stalking you for the next couple of hours, so I am the 100th?

~ Rayna

Paul C said...

You capture the feeling of the sea so gleefully.

Jayne said...

Mise - conferences besides vineyards would be just spoiling me.

Nicole - thank you! Sorry for late reply - happy Monday!

Laura - oh yes! I totally agree. Preferably in Venice!

Fran - it's definitely the way forward.

Sarahjayne - thank you!

Donna - glad to show you some pics of the old home town! I'd never been there before but the beach was amazing.

Lee - it was, and thank you!

Jen - so glad you liked it! And yes, everything is nicer beside the sea. :)

T.J - hee! Shall I have a word with your college classes? :)

Lydia - Thank you!

Deni - thanks for coming over! And I suspect I would have to puzzle out a way to work while on the beach.

Emily - so glad you liked it, and thank you for commenting! Happy to share a bit of the seaside your way. :)

Alex - I sadly have never been to Aberystwyth, Kingston or Roehampton so I cannot advise, but anywhere by the sea gets my vote.

Jayne said...

Happy Frog - I am usually landlocked as well, unless you count puddles.

KLM - Haha - I think I might be okay on the sea as well. I keep getting tempted to give up on the housing market and buying a house-boat instead. If it wasn't for my two cats I would do it! I like the idea of writing cruises... I like the idea of most things!

Crystal - thank you!

Plain Jane - no waves? Oh! That would be strange. Yes, I agree - it is the sound as well as the sight that is so important. So glad you heard the water in the pictures!

VR Barkowsi - San Francisco Bay? Georgia? How lovely to live in places immortalised by such lovely songs... sounds beautiful to me. :)

Maryann - Thank you for coming by! I did take off my shoes for a walk on the beach - the sea was freezing! But refreshing. Glad you liked the pictures!

Rayna - I have never been to India, but it sounds wonderful! And your comment was so sweet - hee! :)

Paul - I was indeed very gleeful to be there!